Monday, December 2, 2019

Final Filming Blog

We finished the story boarding. This gave us a general outline of what our video would look like. With this we thought about what types of shots to go for. We decided we would like to use a variety of shots such and high angle, low angle, wide shot, and long shot. At this point I was very excited for the filming process and it seemed like it could be fun. We began to plan for when to film. We decided to try to get our filming done in one day and all meet up a day over the thanksgiving break. We planned to meet on the Saturday after thanksgiving. This was perfect cause everyone was back in town at this point. This also worked very well because everyone had a opened schedule and we could film all day. 

We planned to film at the beach and in the city. This means we need to find a way for us to travel from the beach to the city for our footage. One of our group members parents offered to drive us from place to place. We all agreed that this would work. Our only other alternative option would be to call an uber. An uber is a app where you can pay someone in exchange for driving you from point A to point B. On the day of filming it was rainy. We decide it was best to reschedule to the following day Sunday. On the day of filming I drove to the beach and met up with my group. We compromised and decided to not take any shots in the city and just stick to the beach. The weather was perfect and it appeared we wouldn’t have any more complications filming.

 Filming was a lot more hard work than expected. Filming was difficult because we took many dozen shots just in case some didn’t turn out well. And had to retake the same shots over and over again just incase we didn’t notice a issue with the shot at the time and when it came to editing decided that shot wouldn’t do. The process was overall enjoyable and everyone in the group agreed. We did not complete filming yet. We collected many shots but we still are missing a few scenes from the storyboard.
We plan to finish getting our footage tomorrow after school because we need to begin editing soon. This will be easily accomplished because we are using our own phone cameras. The phone cameras are preferable anyways because they have higher resolution. Overall the process was stressful because of so many issues that couldn’t be anticipated. 

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